Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Crafty Christmas Cheer........

So, felt a little bit crafty today....
I have been toying with a few Christmassy things I could do with the kids. I will share anything that turns out to be non-embarassing. I also promise to work on my photography.
I am not really sure what percentage of my loyal readership is into craft, but its my blog so sit back and enjoy...

First project I wanted to try, and also start a new tradition, is a front door decoration.
I plan to do a new one each year.
I am in to the traditional wreath as much as the next suburbanite diva, but I thought I'd try something different. 

Here is what I needed:

Christmas decorations (three part stars which I separated from one another)
Jute twine (I love this stuff)
A eucalyptus branch (or you know, what ev's) I just love the colour and texture of the ol' gum tree

Look, its not brain surgery, I tied the long bits of just twine on the branch with equidistant spacing in mind. I tied bows and put a little blob of PVA glue under each so they don't slide around.

Then I tied the stars on in random spacings... I had pictured a star shower, awwww.
And here is the final product.
I wanted something pretty and joyful but non-traditional and you should know I HATE GLITTER. (I know, I know....... but I do.) So whilst I chose very glittery stars, I counterbalanced them with humble jute and wood. See what I did there?

Dodgy photography doesn't do justice to the cuteness. Hope you like it!
Its shabby chic meets aussie bush glamour noel.... LOVE!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cheese Grater's and Evil Bastard's.....

Hey lovely readers.
Long time no see.
Hope you've survived alright whilst we've been apart.
This break has probably been good for us, you know, help us appreciate each other....

he he he he........

I have taken Mr 3 out of preschool and now I have the pleasure of his company 7 days a week.
Thats all the days in the week.
ALL of them.
With none left out.
Not. A. One.
Each. And. Every. One.

Remember those two sacred day a week I used to have to myself that made me a nicer mummy and wife?
Yeah, gone.

If you've met my little man, you'll know he is a pocket rocket.
Full of beans.
Larger than life.
And a cheese grater to the nerves.

Lucky he makes me laugh....

Bless him, its not his fault his preschool was sub-standard and fleecing us to the hilt.
Anyway that's my excuse for not having kept you amused these past weeks.
Forgive me.
And pity me.
In equal measures......

So, what I really sat down to write about tonight is much more serious. Kind of heart-breaking actually...
Some of you will know that in the smallish community which I live, there has been the very sad death of a young mum, who, last week lost her battle with cancer.
Let me be clear about one thing: I did not know this lady.
And one other thing: I have been deeply effected by her passing.

She left behind two beautiful young boys, and from the moment my friend told me of this lady's plight, I have felt a heavy lump in my chest.
I cant tell you why I find myself so struck by this story. Maybe because she was part of my community. Maybe because I lost my mum a year and a half ago. Maybe because she was my age. Maybe because she left behind a loving husband and two son's who have been so brutally robbed of their protector, their teacher, their nurturer, their mummy.

She left instructions that her funeral was to be a celebration - and sadly, or thankfully she had plenty of time to discuss these details as she fought bravely for years with the evil bastard that is cancer.
Her request that her friends and family remember her with laughter and gladness is a testimony to what must have been an incredible woman.

I don't have any witty or philosophical summary to end this post. I just wanted to share this story and come what may for you. Perhaps you're saddened like me, or inspired, or grateful....

If you have a moment, please spend a little time thinking of those young boy's. Perhaps a prayer if that's your thing. Love to you all.