So, I am standing at my kitchen sink tonight, doing, like, the fifth batch of dishes today, and I'm increasingly starting to grind my teeth, and slam stuff in to the dish drainer.
I think, if you haven't already picked up on this, you should know that I am no domestic goddess, and I am no housekeeping diva. There is not enough prescription medication or wine in the world to make me enjoy the uphill tasks involved in being a Stay at Home Mum.
I love my kids and my husband with every molecule and every fiber of my being. But I hate the rest.
It makes me bitter and angry and irritable. I am rubbish at it because I loathe it.
There. I said it.
Am I the only one who feels this way? AM I?????
I am standing at the sink tonight and I have just hurled my radio into the bin because the reception is so shit, I can no longer stand it's company. (I am not crazy, this has been building for years....)
Mr 4 walks in to the kitchen. A tiny little blonde weedy fella, in his red undies.
I stop slamming.
He says "Mum, whats that bird that goes Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............?
Me: Whats that mate?
Mr 4: What's that bird that goes Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............?
Me: I'm not sure what you mean mate.....
Miss 6 (knower of all) passes by the door: He means the crickets
Me: Oh. Right. The crickets. They aren't birds.They are insects, like grasshoppers.
And I realize they are going crazy outside, as the sun sets. I hadn't heard them.
Too busy breaking stuff I s'pose......
Mr 4: Oh, right they sound like grasshoppers cause they're ARE grasshopper's! (And off he goes....)
And I look skyward and I realize that I have been sent a reality check. From above. Or from three feet below eye level....
The mental conundrum I suffer is this: I am in a hate - hate relationship with ALOT of stuff in day to day life, but I am very fuckin' spiritual.
And I am way and beyond when it comes to giving my babies love, care and attention.
I answer about 90% of the 6 billion questions thrown at me every day.
And I hug and kiss and smell my children as much as they'll let me.
I GET mindfulness. I understand being in the moment. Just, sometimes, silly shit gets in the way of what's important.
I have heard people tell me that you should slow down and enjoy your kids cause they arent little forever. And you know what?
Annoyingly, its true.