Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dear Self

Dear Self

So, I think we need to talk about what happened today.
Arsenic hour is never your strongest moment is it?
Its probably so-called because, lets face it, kids go feral and Mum's fall down.
You outdid yourself tonight, self.

So.... you didn't work today did you, self?
So, according to the organized-this and the homemaker-that, you probably shouldn't have been wondering what to cook for dinner at 6pm should you? You didn't have a nourishing slow-cooked meal ready to serve up did you? You didn't even shop today did you?

Shall we talk about the washing pile that's blocking out the sun, self?
We'll get to it....
Oh, yes we will.

So..... risotto was the one pot meal you decided on tonight, self.
You scribbled it in the back of your student diary in the supermarket the other day, whilst thoughtfully composing your weekly meal plan didn't you?

Probably at 6.15 tonight it would have been advantageous to have an onion in the house then wouldn't it?
So that's OK, then you moved to plan B.
Risotto sans onion.

Up the garlic was the plan.

Burn the garlic was what happened.

But, self, you pushed on. You cooked that risotto despite the known fail rate of any dish containing burnt garlic.

To be fair, self, you did a remarkable job throwing this meal together whilst a very hangry Mr 5 badgered and berated you from the bathroom about how STAAAARVIIIIING he was.

Well played letting him eat a bowl of prunes when he finally got out of the bath.
You knew.
You smiled to yourself and you let it happen.

Questionable parenting moment, self.

So eventually the family sat down to eat together.


In front of 'Myth Busters'.
Not good, self.

You sat and watched Miss 8 swallow back tears whilst she read Charlottes Web closing chapters long after she should have been asleep and T,D&H tickle Mr 5 whilst he tried to do his reader. It was chaos, wasn't it self?

So now you've had time to reflect on this familiar array of stress inducing events, what say you, self?

I say: babies tucked up in warm beds, dirty dishes in sink, bodies and minds nourished, bowels apparently made of cast iron, warm fire, cold wine.

Patting Self on the back for yet another day of Chaos as we know it.

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