Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Eulogy for my Eyebrows

For my formative years, I never even knew you were there.

You went about your purpose quietly and without fuss.

I thank you for the balance you sustained and the separation you maintained.

Then I became a teenager and I know now how wrong I was.

I attacked and mauled you, heeding no advice from those who knew better.....
Mum told me again and again
"Leave the bloody things alone, just leave them!"
But I thought I was clever, I thought you'd just keep up.

She knew.

She knew.

If only I had listened.

But we were able to repair our relationship over many, many years.
You grew in new directions and I learned to let you.
Always together and yet somehow apart, we got along better and better as we both matured and a relationship of respect was fostered.

Ie. I left you the hell alone.

Recently, though you found yourself under attack from within.
The ravages of Chemical Therapy appeared to have been forgiving on you and you held on with resolution and seemed to stand when others - seemingly stronger - fell.

But it seems that even the mighty will fall when saturated tri-weekly with chemical warfare.
And your time has come.

The wise one inside me knows that you are a price that had to be paid.
A helpless victim, but a necessary evil.

But the superficial cow inside me is totes Bitchin'.

I cannot deny I have tried to replace you with synthetic imposters, nothing more than a grown up crayon, a metaphoric band-aid if you will.....
They will have to do for now.

But I know we'll meet again.
Some day.
Somewhere.......... well, preferably in the old place.
Our place.

My eyebrows.

***Cue tears***

***not really cause I don't want to risk the ole eyelashes if you know what I mean***

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