Monday, April 1, 2013

Dr Plastics, richest man in Sydney

Hello loyal and patient readers.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Its not that I don't think of you and the blog, its just, well..... I am incredibly lazy.

If I could dictate blog entries just by thinking them, we'd be getting somewhere. You know futuristic type dictation into a microchip in my head or something. Then I'd be one of those deadly daily bloggers.

Oh well we'll have to go for quality over quantity.

So, since we last met, I have been back to see Dr. Plastics (possibly the richest man in Sydney).

I went back for an obligatory appointment with him to make sure I had not further questions (aka covering his ass and squeezing another few hundred bucks out of me).

I called to ask if I could cancel the appointment and just book the surgery but.... no.
I think that's what the receptionist said, I couldn't hear over the crashing noise of Jackpots in the background.

Ok, so in that case, I thought it would be a good opportunity to ask him a few questions:

1. Did you make a mistake and add a few too many 0's to my bill?

2. Can you talk me through exactly what happens to my body after I'm flooded with enough drugs to kill a small horse please?

And the answers were these:

1. Became the brightest red, middle aged Jewish man I have ever seen, choked and mumbled about speaking to his receptionist about the financial side of things...... Siting he was too busy to deal with the surgical intricacies AND the paperwork.

Fair enough. I have seen a lot of photos of his work and he just may be the Michelangelo of modern day Baps.

2. What happens to my body after Dr. Dice takes me to the threshold of my maker? An army of 8 people (including Prof Boobs, Dr Plastics, Dr Dice and their faithful team) stand on duty for 8-10 hours equipped with: sharp blades, scraping implements, hoover type implements, darning needles, no-more-gaps, fishing wire, slabs of blade steak (aka my own lat muscles), garden hose type implements, milk bottle type implements (6), drugs, drugs, drugs and hopefully comfortable shoes, coffee and sandwiches for their strength.

Remember that post I wrote about not being scared?
Yeah, well, I have an amendment to make: I am not scared of the Cancer. That Son of  Bitch has no chance with me.
But.... the surgery has me a little, tiny, weeny bit shaken. Only a titch.
A bit.
Maybe a lot, sometimes.
Two weeks and two days to go and guess what?
No e mail, letter or phone call to say there's been a mistake.

So its game on and I'm going in.




  1. Hi Chris,
    You (all four of you) are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep writing and we will keep reading! You remind me to celebrate life, thank you.
    Love to all ♡
    The cousin in the cold.

  2. Hey there Chris it would be unnatural for you to not be a "little"scared SHIT I would be freaking scared. Know that you will NOT!! be alone every guardian angel I can summon and have been summoning for you will be there by your side 24/7 throughout your ordeal. I am sure, other than myself there will be lots of people with you in spirit throughout.
    Keep blogging you are awesome!! Love you, TDH, Miss 6 and Mr 4 very very much xxx

  3. As long as those comfortable shoes aren't crocs. I wouldn't trust docs in crocs. Tell them.

    MUUUCHOS love to you all! x x x

  4. Carin, if Dr plastics isn't wearing water proof diamond studded Manolo blaniks I'll be disappointed...

  5. Carin, if Dr plastics isn't wearing water proof diamond studded Manolo blaniks I'll be disappointed...

  6. Keep breathing sweets. One day at a time. When the day arrives your feet will walk the steps you need to take. You won't be alone. Hold onto the hands that are their to support you and breathe as you go. As you take those steps you will find that the nerves will fade away as your strength rises up faithfully within your soul. For you will be accompanied by love. That is the time when faith will surround you like a cloak and the time will be upon you. Just breathe and know you'll be safe. Then you'll be waking up not feeling the best but surrounded by love, love, love. Each day you'll feel better, until one day you will be through it and you will shine just as brightly and harder and stronger than ever. Each step, each breath, each tear will forge you and mold you into everything that you are meant to be. So just breathe and know you will never be alone and know that you are safe xxxx
