Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New-ish Year!

Hello Fellow Chaotics!

Happy new-ish year to you all, I hope you are recovering nicely from cyclone Christmas Season.

Of course right on the back of the cyclone came tornado New-Year and the low weather system we seem to be experiencing: typhoon School-Holidays and of course the painful heat wave also known as a Heatwave!

Not complaining though, Love Summer, Love School Holidays, Love Summer, Love School Holidays....Love them.

Most of the time.

So are you all getting trim, fit, healthy and spiritual as hell for your new year resolutions? Yeah me too. Its hard though, at a time of the year when its socially acceptable to drink champagne every lunch time and eating has nothing to do with hunger.... And its too hot to move.

As for becoming spiritual as hell, I have made a bit of a resolution - lame, I know. I am endeavoring to be..... ready? Less chaotic.

You know:  roll with the punches, take it as it comes, let it go, be cool.
But maybe that's what got me into the chaos dilemma in the first place....

I am resolving to be more mindful, focussed, less stressy, less shouty and more smiley.
Shut up, I can totally do it.
I just need to find me a quiet chalet on a mountain top in remote Switzerland and POOF, calm and composed.
Ah, who am I kidding.

All jokes aside, I am seriously focusing on making this year count for me as a person though, you know what I mean?
Less time spent worrying about my role as a mother, wife, housefrau, more time freaking out - I mean, working on the individual me. Ive got a few ideas to grow and better myself, so LOOK OUT!

Happy Newish Year beautiful readers, I hope you all feel terrific today.

1 comment:

  1. All the best for your new endevours for 2013.I also used to shout throw tantrums etc until I decided to grow up lol My family especially my husband will tell you I shout quietly it works far better than hurting your voice box try it.
