Friday, January 11, 2013

Paper Vs Kindling

So, I just finished reading my first electronic book.

I was resistant, I don't mind telling you. The less technology in my life the better if I'm honest.
Technology and its out-of-control advancements make me feel dirty. Its a slippery slope to never having to think or interact with flesh and blood humans.
But that's just me, I can be a bit of a drama queen when it comes to the end of humanity as we know it.....

But I digress....

So in a great twist of irony, the book I read was really, really enjoyable.
I have read it before and it has always stayed with me. You know the type.
And I was convinced by the resident techno-holic (and the fractional price) to read it a-la-kindle.

Well, it took me two months to read it.
It wasn't Ulysses.
Or Shantaram.
Why did it take so long?
Glad you asked.....

10  REASONS I WONT BE SWAPPING PAPER FOR KINDLING: (this was supposed to be a list of 5, but I just couldn't stop....)

1. The log in process robs me of precious reading time. You know those priceless two minutes when you're hiding behind you bedroom door in the morning, shouting to your kids that you're getting in the car and leaving RIGHT NOW, but actually you're quickly devouring the last page of the chapter you couldn't finish last night?
Well by the time I have logged in and loaded, those special moments are gone up in a puff of potential radio activity......
2. I am paranoid that I am giving my kids the impression that I am having extended periods of screen time. Especially when we are all together, you know together, but doing our own thing. I think reading should be encouraged in all aspects of daily life - I allow reading over a cereal bowl, when the lights are supposed to be out at night, in the bath, on the swing, in the car. Pretty much any time. But sitting on a computer in these situations is just plain rude and ghastly. I found myself telling my kids repeatedly that I was reading a book, and even showing them..."Look, guys, Mummy is reading a BOOK". Though they didn't seem to care: "That's nice, Mum...."

3. Books don't have graphics cards which need upgrading right when the very rare and beautiful Golden Hour strikes (aka. kids are happy in front of a movie on a hot afternoon and mummy switches on the fan and lies down with a book).

4. Kids cant make the words on a paper book disappear into thin air whilst searching sneakily for games..... of which there are NONE!!! ITS A BOOK DAMMIT!!!!!!
Well, they probably can, but my two are old enough to not throw a book in to the toilet or cut it up with scissors. (Sadly, not the case when Miss 6 got hold of my 1966 copy of  'Catcher in the Rye' a few years ago....)
5. You cant fill an eight foot high book shelf with a Kindle. I am a book hoarder. I love my books, I love to keep them - when I lend them I want them back. I have multiple copies of some books, even Ulysses, which I will probably never read. I love looking at them, buying them, borrowing them, owning them, talking about them. I wish I could afford to buy more. And more and more. My novels and other paper treasures are my most prized possessions.
You know, after my family 'n stuff.

6. I cant read the e-reader outdoors because of the reflection. If you cant read at the pool in the summer, what's the point?

7. I cant read it in the bath, which is my most favourite thing to do - its just dangerous. Especially when there's a sneaky little glass of wine involved.

8. It needs to be plugged in which creates a safety hazard trailing across the kitchen floor (aka, my office).

9. You cant easily just flick back to check one little detail quickly - it takes like, five minutes for the stupid thing to "think" about flipping back.... Paper books don't try to be clever.

10. Book shops. If you don't understand this, then you probably have a Kindle.

Happy Reading my fellow Chaotics, Any way you can!


  1. It's tricky one! My kindle gives access to so much; a whole library and the books are CHEAP! But, but, but, I can't read it in the bath, feel the paper swoosh against my fingers or smell that indefinable 'book' smell. I have both, tho the old style kindle that is just for reading really. It still has to pretend it's a book dammit!! ;)

  2. Thanks for your Comment Grenadilla Gurl!
    This really is a terrific debate. I have so enjoyed all the pro's and con's. Long may it continue. X
