Thursday, September 13, 2012

Crafty Corner......

So, I made a couple of these for my kids for Christmas. I adapted the idea from somethig I saw at Howards Storage World. In my own typical fashion I went in to buy the things from the shop and they had of course sold out. This didnt really frazzle me as it happens to me ALL THE TIME. All part of being insanely indecisive when shopping....

Just in case you like the look of this I will talk you through the steps I took to make it. Of course, you could probably figure it out for yourself, but in the name of BLOGGING, I will pretend it was wildly difficult and explain it for you:

I bought the lazy-susan's in BigW, but they also have them at IKEA for the same price. They are made of bamboo. I think you can get them at Target in USA too.

The little buckets are from a hardware store, (I used little mesh metal pen holder cups for my daughter's one) you could use anything really but make sure they will fit on the lazy-susan in the configuration you want.

I used self adhesive velcro squares from hardware store to attatch buckets to susan. Although I didnt think of this at the time, but there are two good reasons for using velcro: you can take the buckets off to clean when someone spills a drink all over the whole thing, and also the kids will try spinning it at top speed, so anchoring is important.

I filled the containers with textas, pencils, mini-post-its. mini-stapler, paper clips, scissors, glue sticks, glitter pens etc. They love them, and they look really cute on their desks.
Word of Warning: as I said, I gave them to my kid's for Christmas and although they do love them now, there was some degree of confusion and disappointment on Christmas morning. Fair enough I suppose, they are sort of glorified pencil cases.... Happy crafting!