Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reality Check

I have noticed so many people writing about their miseries lately......

My iphone charger is broken....... grrrrrrrr!!!!

There wasn't enough sauce on my Subway today..... grrrrrrrrr!!!!

I had to wait three minutes for a cab this morning....... grrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I kicked my toe and my Manolo Blahnik got scuffed....... grrrrrr!!!

I say,  Dudes!!!!
You're lucky to have iphone chargers, sandwiches, cab money and fancy shoes.

Then I realized as annoying as those petty things are, I moan too. Quite a bit really....
About my housework, the washing, the kids, small wine glasses, TDH (tall dark and handsome), traffic, cooking dinner, being tired, dishes, the dog, the ducks, the weather..... and I say DUDE!!!
Get a grip!

And THEN I think: No, Frig it. I can moan. We all can. You know why? Cause shit happens.
You just have to be really careful to balance out your venting with Gratitude.
Firstly, cause it makes you less of a winger, secondly cause it creates Karmic balance and thirdly cause You Is Blessed, right?

Its the old adage of glass half full or half empty.
Your glass may be half empty (and believe me I feel your pain) or even three quarters empty, but surely, SURELY you got just a little dribble in that glass to drink (aka blessings to count)???

If all else fails, look someone you love in the eye - your kids if have some (even if they're being little turds) and just think about how lucky you are to have that person in your life.
Alternatively, think how good it would feel to kick them in the shins....;) Just THINK it, dont Do it.....

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